Monday, June 14, 2010

day off

Cloudy day in Ferndale, MI. Day off. Went to bank, made accidentally weak coffee. Washed clothes from Value World. Tried not to step on broken glass in basement with bare feet.

Sittin in room lookin at new records. Alex and I have been buying records left and right lately! At places other than Car City! A couple days ago I went to Record Time by myself and bought:

"Palace of Swords Reversed," a compilation by the Fall
"Drop Out With the Barracudas," the Barracudas
"The Best of Love" by Love because I wanted to have a Love album to listen to on my record player and I'm probably not gonna find "Da Capo" or "Forever Changes" for cheap any time soon
"Between the Buttons," the Rolling Stones
Annnnd the remastered "Raw Power" (meaning the original Bowie version of it) by the Stooges for Lee's b-day!

A few days earlier Alex and I went to the Record Collector by our house and I got:

"Old Ways" by Neil Young because I'm working on having every NY record ever because I'm a dweeb
a Kim Fowley-selected compilation called "Kim Fowley's Hollywood Confidential"
"Sweetheart of the Rodeo" by the Byrds
Annnnd "Younger Than Yesterday" by the Byrds

So basically, whenever I break down and buy some records, I'm more than likely to just buy albums from bands that I already like, or I buy different formats of albums I already have. Oops. But, it's nice having albums to listen to on yer record player.

Since now I have no money, maybe I'll use this time to 1) hope I don't overdraft my checking account and 2) think about other records I should get. It would be cool if I didn't already own them, or listen to the band. Any suggestions Internet?

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